Proposed Amendment to the Environmental Management Act, Recycling Regulation 4492004


Whereas the Province has enacted legislation under the Environmental Management Act and the Recycling Regulation to require extended producer responsibility plans stewardship programs for packaging and printed paper PPP from residential sources only; And whereas local governments collect solid waste and recyclables, including PPP, from all sectors, including residents and industrial, commercial, and institutional ICI entities; And whereas opportunities for recycling by the ICI sector in areas outside of the Lower Mainland are limited or non-existent; And whereas that lack of recycling opportunities often results in PPP products being sent to the landfill, which creates environmental issues and a financial burden on all taxpayers for handling ICI-generated PPP: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to amend Recycling Regulation 4492004 to include the ICI sector in the requirement for extended producer responsibility plans for PPP.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate