Product Stewardship Inadequacies

Fraser-Fort George RD

WHEREAS BC product stewardship programs are funded through the collection of eco-fees paid by consumers at the time of product purchase; AND WHEREAS inadequacies exist in the product stewardship programs for small or rural communities where eco-fees are paid by the consumer but there are no collection depots available thereby increasing the likelihood of inappropriate disposal: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial government to increase the opportunities for accessibility by consumers in small or rural communities to collection depots.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The Recycling Regulation establishes stewardship responsibilities for producers of prescribed products. The regulation requires the provision of reasonable and free consumer access to collection facilities. In May 2011, the Recycling Regulation was amended to make it a regulatory requirement to report annually on the total amount of the producers product recovered in each regional district effective July 1, 2013. This will help inform rural service levels and ensure that stewardship programs are being adequately delivered. To enhance collection services for rural residents, the producers or their stewardship agencies continue to work toward expanding their return collection networks and many supplement their collection efforts with alternative options such as one day product round-ups or mail-back options. Local governments are encouraged to participate in industry stakeholder consultations for new stewardship programs or during the 5 year stewardship plan reviews. Effective consultation may include suggesting results-based performance measurement criteria and performance targets that would demonstrate adequate rural coverage.

Convention Decision