Policing - Backfilling of Positions in Rural Detachments


WHEREAS the RCMP has the ability to backfill member positions vacated due to long-term leave medicalmaternitypaternity in municipal detachments; AND WHEREAS there is no provision to backfill member positions vacated due to long-term leave in rural detachments: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the RCMP be provided the ability to backfill member positions vacated due to long-term leave in rural detachments.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The filling of vacant positions is based upon RCMP policies. The Province of British Columbia has supported the RCMP by working with them to develop alternatives such as the Reserve Constable Program, which provides an opportunity for recently retired police officers to continue serving the RCMP in the capacity of a uniform officer to cover off vacant positions.

Federal Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Backfilling of vacant positions created by long-term leave is always a challenge. At times where the operational needs demand it, a member can temporarily be deployed to fill a vacant position. Although this does not resolve the vacancy on a permanent basis, it can provide immediate relief to a busier unit. Because police officers on medical maternal parental leave are expected to return to their original posting, vacancies created by special leaves cannot be permanently replaced by new resources. It is important to note that the RCMP remains cognizant of policing requirements and makes every effort to ensure an effective and professional service.

Convention Decision