Measuring Up


WHEREAS accessibility and inclusion are fundamental factors in empowering people with disabilities to fully participate in and contribute to society and the City of Vancouver strives to take a leadership role in increasing accessibility and inclusion both within and outside its own city limits; AND WHEREAS the City has partnered with 2010 Legacies Now and the provincial and federal governments to produce Measuring Up, a comprehensive, step-by-step guide that enables communities to assess and remedy their accessibility and inclusion barriers: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities endorse Measuring Up as a resource for communities throughout British Columbia as they work to improve accessibility and inclusion; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that every BC local government adopt Measuring Up as its guide to accessibility and inclusion; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities formally request that the provincial and federal governments allocate infrastructure funding to support accessibility and inclusion initiatives in communities throughout BC.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Services Local governments have indicated an interest in developing accessible and inclusive cities and communities. Measuring Up, a key component of the Accessible and Inclusive Cities and Communities Initiative, supports the Province of British Columbias Province strategic goal of building the best system of support in Canada for persons with disabilities and special needs. The Province, through partnerships with 2010 Legacies Now and the Vancouver Agreement, has provided funding for the development of Measuring Up, a tool and guide designed to assist the Provinces communities to assess the degree to which their citizens with disabilities are active participants in community life. In addition, the Province is actively working with the Vancouver Olympic Committee and Vancouver Agreement partners to create and sustain further opportunities for inclusion of all citizens within Vancouver inner city communities through the realization of the 2010 Winter Games Inner-City Inclusive Commitment Statement.

Federal Response

Ministry of Human Resources Social Development I appreciate your keeping us informed of the UBCM resolution concerning the adoption of the Measuring-Up report, which promotes accessible and inclusive communities. Office for Disability Issues officials have had discussions with representatives from the Vancouver-based 2010 Legacies Now group regarding the development of this resource and the measures that will be implemented to support the concept of accessibility and make the Vancouver 2010 Games the most accessible infrastructure ever. This international sporting event, with the support of British Columbia and the UBCM, will serve as a model to communities across Canada. I am aware that you have also written to my colleague, the Honourable Lawrence Cannon, and that, as minister responsible for infrastructure, he has addressed your issues concerning funding for accessible infrastructure in communities throughout British Columbia.

Convention Decision