Marijuana Grow Crystal Meth Operations in Residential Homes

North Vancouver District

WHEREAS many British Columbian communities are struggling with the enforcement of, and resources needed to combat, the drug trafficking trade; AND WHEREAS the drug trafficking trade affects families, homes, neighbourhoods, schools and communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities urge the federal government to assist BC local governments and homeowners in the fight against the criminal activity associated with marijuana and crystal methamphetamine operations by: 1. providing mandatory minimum sentences for marijuana and crystal methamphetamine operators and; 2. amending the Proceeds of Crime legislation to allow seizure of all assets and placing the burden of proof on criminals that assets were not attained through illegal means; 3. providing a proportion of revenues collected under the Proceeds of Crime legislation directly to the local governments police budget the local government responsible for initiating seizure of assets to encourage the financial and policing resources needed to make Canadian streets safer; and 4. allowing innocent homeowners access to monies collected under the Proceeds of Crime legislation to repair damaged homes.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate