Local Government Authority


Whereas the Community Charter acknowledges that municipalities and their Councils are democratically elected, autonomous, responsible and accountable; require the authority to determine the public interest of their communities; and the Local Government Act grants local governments the powers and flexibility required to fulfill their purpose and respond to the needs of their communities; And whereas the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Housing has taken unilateral action in Maple Ridge that undermines the jurisdiction of the Council of the City of Maple Ridge to determine and represent the public interest of this community, setting a dangerous precedent that jeopardizes the autonomy of all local governments in British Columbia in representing the interests of their communities through fair and accountable public process: Therefore be it resolved that the Village of Salmo urges the Province of British Columbia to commit to work in collaboration with local governments within the bounds of their respective jurisdictions on all current and future projects of mutual concern of local governments and the Provincial Government.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate