Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Sector Recyclables

East Kootenay RD

Whereas the BC Recycling Regulation does not include Industrial, Commercial and Institutional ICI recycling in requirements for Extended Producer Responsibility programs, and therefore recyclables are not accepted in the Recycle BC system or other stewardship programs; And whereas packaging and paper products utilized in the ICI sectors form a significant proportion of recyclable materials in our communities, and continue to result in significant collection and recycling costs borne by local governments, and recyclable materials potentially destined for landfills: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Province of British Columbia to amend the Recycling Regulation to require inclusion of the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional sectors in the Packaging and Paper Products Extended Producer Responsibility programs.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy The ministry acknowledges that the proper management of industrial, commercial and institutional ICI waste, which includes agricultural plastics, is a concern to many local governments. In September 2020, the ministry issued a Recycling Regulation Policy Intentions Paper that sought feedback on several items that were potential products to be captured under Extended Producer Responsibility EPR programs or other policy initiatives, including packaging and paper from the ICI sector. The feedback was consolidated in the Summary of Feedback Report and made publicly available in June 2021. The feedback helped inform the development of a Five-Year EPR Action Plan for EPR expansion in BC which was announced in September 2021. For ICI Paper and Packaging Product PPP, as a first step, there is broad support for collecting data to better understand both the current gaps in diversion practices for managing ICI PPP, as well as the best means to address such gaps. To this end, data collection is underway and Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy ENV anticipates completion of the study by April 2022. Engaging local government, and Indigenous nations as part of ICI PPP research is key to our understanding of the challenges to diverting these materials. ENV appreciates that it may be several years before a long-term policy approach to ICI PPP is finalized and concerns with proper management of these materials continue. Therefore, following the completion of the ICI PPP study, ENV intends to engage rural and remote local governments and Indigenous government organizations that are facing similar challenges to jointly explore barriers and possible interim opportunities that could result in diversion of more ICI PPP over the short-term.

Convention Decision