Industrial Commercial and Institutional Recycling Solution


Whereas local governments and the private sector are facing reduced or no access to recycling for the Industrial Commercial and Institutional sector due to recent changes in the global commodity market as a result of the Chinese National Sword; And whereas British Columbia requires a solution to avoid valuable resources like cardboard ending up in the landfill due to the high cost and lack of access to recycling: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the that the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy expand the scope of the Recycling Regulation for Printed Paper Packing to include the Industrial Commercial and Institutional sector; And be it further resolved that the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change implement policy to stabilize the market system by mandating recyclable material as a percentage into feedstock for finished products such as writing paper, toilet paper, facial tissue, paper towels, packaging, etc. as well as eliminating subsidies on virgin materials to create a more level playing field, reduce the carbon footprint and revitalize the already consumed cardboard and packaging waste.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate