Funding for Coastal Flood Protection


WHEREAS coastal flood protection works are deficient in many areas along BCs coastline; AND WHEREAS climate change is increasing the risk of flooding in many coastal communities due to long term sea level rise and increasing storm intensity; AND WHEREAS the provincial government has identified climate change adaptation as a key priority in the coming decades: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government work towards developing a funding program to assist local governments with climate change adaptation for coastal communities as it relates to coastal flood protection.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations Climate change will cause sea levels along the BC coast to continue to rise by approximately one metre by 2100. The long-term implications of this for coastal flood protection and land use require that planning for increases in flood risk begin now. The recent provincial publication of proposed Climate Change Adaptation Guidelines for Sea Dikes and Coastal Flood Hazard Land Use is a first step in managing these impacts and providing a basis for discussion. The province will consult further with coastal communities and other stakeholders to develop policies that will update guidelines for sea dike design and coastal land use planning. UBCM has requested that the provincial government work towards developing a funding program to assist local governments with climate change adaptation for coastal communities as it relates to coastal flood protection. The province agrees that the financial implications for coastal communities must be identified and is initiating a project to estimate the costs of strengthening sea dikes and other adaptation strategies. Once the costs and benefits are better understood, all levels of government will need to discuss and develop a range of funding options. Historically, flood protection programs in British Columbia have been cost-shared by federal, provincial and local governments. This cost sharing is consistent with other infrastructure projects and also with public safety as a shared responsibility. Cost sharing maximizes the funds available to assist communities across British Columbia with flood protection initiatives. The province is committed to working with the UBCM and local governments in developing policies and strategies for improving coastal land use management and flood protection.

Convention Decision