Ferry Advisory Committee Appointments

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS local input from Coastal Communities to the operations of BC Ferries is essential to the Ferry Authoritys ability to respond to local needs and the system of local government appointments to the Ferry Advisory Committees has worked well for coastal communities; AND WHEREAS the ability of local governments to appoint representatives to Ferry Advisory Committees has been removed and replaced with appointments by the BC Ferry Authority: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM urge the provincial government and the BC Ferry Authority to adhere to the democratic system of local government appointments to Ferry Advisory Committees.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The Ferry Advisory Committees FACs are part of the British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. public consultation process. As an independent company, BC Ferries and the BC Ferry Authority are not required to involve the provincial government in this process. BC Ferries have indicated that they continue to see great value in having local government as part of the Ferry Advisory Committee process. However, in order to ensure broad representation of interests, they reserve the right to ask other community interest groups to provide them with lists of candidates for consideration as FAC members.

Convention Decision