Extended Producer Responsibility - Construction Waste

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS an abundance of construction waste is entering the municipal solid waste stream; AND WHEREAS there is increasing pressure on local governments to provide resources for the prevention and clean up of illegal dump sites: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM encourage the Province to expand extended producer responsibility programs to include construction materials and to work with the manufacturers and retailers of construction materials, to develop systems for tracking materials commonly found at illegal dump sites.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment In October 2009, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment CCME supported the Canada-wide Action Plan for EPR. The Canada-wide Action Plan for EPR recommends programs in place by 2015 for packaging and printed materials, electronic and electrical products, mercury-containing products, household hazardous and special wastes, and automotive products. By 2017, the Action Plan recommends programs be in place for construction and demolition materials, furniture, textiles and carpet, and appliances including ozone-depleting substances. B.C. is committed to the Canada-wide Action Plan and intends to regulate construction and demolition waste within the target timelines.

Convention Decision