Cold Weather Funding


WHEREAS the Province has eliminated adequate funding for local cold weather shelters in many communities in the year 2011; AND WHEREAS communities are experiencing difficult economic times while this type of protection is a provincial responsibility, we feel it is imperative that the less fortunate have a safe and warm area to retreat from the elements during extended cold periods: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government work with local groups who coordinate cold weather shelters and that the provincial government supply adequate funding for cold weather shelter funding in these communities from November to March each year; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funding also be supplied for emergencies if temperatures drop below -10 degrees Celsius at any time during the year.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas and Minister Responsible for Housing The Province recognizes that safe, warm shelter from cold weather is a significant concern in many communities. The Province, through BC Housing, provides temporary spaces for homeless people during extreme cold and wet weather over the winter months between November 1 and March 31 under the Extreme Weather Response Program. As of March 31, 2012 under the Extreme Weather Response Program, more than 1,300 spaces have been identified in 35 communities. Communities determine what conditions warrant an Extreme Weather alert, when to activate a location and how many spaces to make available on a given night, depending on the capacity of existing shelters and the estimated need. In addition to the Extreme Weather Response Program, the Province, in partnership with local municipalities, funds the expanded Emergency Shelter Program, the Homeless Outreach Program, and the Homeless Emergency Action Team shelters in order to ensure vulnerable citizens are safely housed. These programs are delivered in 76 communities across the Province.

Convention Decision