Carbon Offsets


WHEREAS the 176 municipalities which signed the BC Climate Action Charter have committed to measure and report corporate greenhouse gas GHG emissions and become carbon neutral in operations by 2012 which, at present, contemplates that each municipality will need to purchase carbon offsets through the Pacific Carbon Trust to achieve this objective; AND WHEREAS without further policy and regulatory clarification the monies paid by municipalities to purchase carbon offsets may be utilized to fund non-municipal certified greenhouse gas reduction projects as directed to the Pacific Carbon Trust, the Province or other agency: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM and the provincial government ensure that: 1. local governments are fully engaged in the development of policies and regulations with respect to the further development and implementation of the carbon neutral mandate; and 2. there is a framework in place to provide that local government monies used to purchase carbon offsets will be made available to local governments for any certified greenhouse gas reduction projects in their communities or region.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment - Climate Action Secretariat The Joint UBCM Provincial Green Communities Committee GCC has been established under the Climate Action Charter Charter, to support local governments in meeting their Climate Action Charter commitments, including becoming carbon neutral by 2012. As part of its mandate, GCC is also responsible to develop a common approach to determining a carbon neutrality for the purposes of the Charter. Recognizing the need to draw on local government expertise in the development of the approach, the GCC established the Carbon Neutral Working Group, comprising members of Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development MCSCD, UBCM, Climate Action Secretariat CAS and local government practitioners. This group provides local governments the opportunity to engage in the development of policies related to the carbon neutral mandate. Based on input and advice for the Working Group as well as feedback received more broadly from local governments, the GCC has developed a draft Local Government GHG Reduction Framework that would enable local governments to reduce their corporate carbon liability through investments in local GHG reduction projects. The Framework was first presented at the 2010 UBCM Convention. The Framework balances the interests of local governments in keeping investments in GHG reduction projects local and practical, with the need for credibility. GCC is continuing to work with local governments to further develop and refine the Framework. Based on accepted offset criteria, the framework proposes three options for local governments to achieve carbon neutrality: - Purchasing offsets from a list of credible providers who use GCC accepted standards - Undertaking a GCC supported local project - Developing an alternative local government project For more information on the Framework please visit the BC Climate action Toolkit website: http:www.toolkit.bc.cacarbon-neutral-government The Green communities Committee, Climate Action Secretariat and the MCSCD continue to engage with local governments on the Framework and it is anticipated that additional communication and outreach activities on the Framework will occur over the coming months to provide local governments.

Other Response

Pacific Carbon Trust Pacific Carbon Trusts PCT mandate is to deliver quality BC-based greenhouse gas offsets to help clients meet their carbon reduction goals and to support growth of this industry in BC. As such, our key roles are to buy BC-based offsets built to world-class standards for a carbon neutral public sector and to grow BCs low-carbon economy. Resolution B31 falls outside our mandate at PCT and instead rests with the Climate Action Secretariat CAS which is responsible for developing climate change regulations and policies, including the BC Emission Offsets Regulation and Carbon Neutral Government Regulation. We would recommend that you contact CAS directly in this regard.

Convention Decision