Cannabis Advertising

Langley Township

Whereas the Government of Canada has proposed legalization of marihuana effective on or about July 1, 2018; And whereas the Government of Canada and provincial and territorial governments have developed enactments governing advertising and promotion of tobacco products in Canada, based on public policy consensus and Canadas participation in the World Health Organizations Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; And whereas although local governments have limited powers and jurisdiction in regard to advertising and promotion of recreational cannabis products, this substantially impacts other matters of concern to local governments in Canada: Therefore be it resolved that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and UBCM call upon the Government of Canada and the provincial and territorial governments to coordinate public policy and regulations such that the enactments governing advertising and promotion of tobacco products be employed to apply similarly to advertising and promotion of recreational cannabis products.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General A combination of federal and provincial legislation establishes strict limits on advertising and promotion of cannabis, similar to what is in place for tobacco. The federal Cannabis Act establishes prohibitions on activities that promote cannabis, cannabis accessories, and services related to cannabis, with some exceptions for informational promotion to adults. The Cannabis Act also establishes strict rules for cannabis packaging and labelling. Under the Cannabis Control and Licensing Regulation, British Columbia has established a prohibition on advertising a business as a place to consume cannabis or a place to go after consuming cannabis. The Province recognizes that all levels of government will need to monitor implementation of these rules, and continue to assess and refine cannabis policy and regulation as needed and in a manner that prioritizes the health and safety of British Columbians.

Convention Decision