Registration underway for Elected Official Seminars

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The first of five regional 2023 Elected Official Seminars is only 4 weeks away. The seminars will take place through February and March, with the first event taking place February 8,9,10 at the Radisson Airport Hotel. These sessions are open to local elected officials and senior administrators from local governments and First Nations communities across B.C. and are presented by the Local Government Leadership Academy (LGLA)
This year’s keynote is Ian McCormack, a consultant with a special interest in ethics and governance. Mr. McCormack has delivered keynotes on ethics in local government to the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association and Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and will be addressing the topic of role clarity and governance-level decision-making by local elected officials.
Participation in sessions at the seminars is one of the recognized qualifications for the LGLA Certificate Program.
For additional information and registration details, please view the LGLA website.