2024 UBCM Convention: Ride the Wave

Publishing Date

Registration for the 2024 UBCM Convention will open on July 2. We anticipate a strong turnout as we return to Vancouver, so be sure to register quickly. Child minding services will also be available throughout Convention week.

The theme for this year’s event is Ride the Wave. As always, the Convention agenda will provide a robust opportunity for local and provincial leaders to engage in issues that impact British Columbians, along with many opportunities for local leaders to learn from each other.

During daytime convention programming from September 16 to 20, child minding services will be available to elected officials of the UBCM membership.

Pre-registration for each child for the UBCM child minding program is required by accessing the form on the UBCM website. Managed by a fully licensed and registered childcare provider, services will be hosted at the Pan Pacific Hotel in direct proximity to the Vancouver Convention Centre. Parents will be charged a nominal fee of $30 per day, plus GST, for each participating child.