Whereas additional mental health and substance use programs and associated funding is needed to meet the complex needs of people living with challenges in BC communities that has contributed to an unprecedented level of deaths, poverty, criminal activity, social disorder, stress on first responders and health care professionals contributing to increased pressure on hospitals; And whereas the lack of innovative models to treat patients with severe, complex mental health and substance misuse conditions has contributed to a health care and safety crisis in communities, urban and rural, throughout British Columbia: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby the Province of British Columbia to further increase investment into on demand mental health treatment, withdrawal management and substance use programs throughout the province, that meets the diverse needs of the people suffering from severe substance misuse and mental health challenges; And be it further resolved that an update to A Pathway to Hope strategy includes a plan to fully fund and establish regional campuses of care, similar to the innovative model of Red Fish Healing Centre, to provide a safe, stable and compassionate environment for people requiring highly specialized mental health support with severe mental illness diagnoses.