Accessing Vehicular Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data

Sunshine Coast RD

Whereas local governments are unable to obtain accurate data that quantifies the transportation emissions in their municipality or region, in order to develop local action plans to reduce greenhouse gas GHG emissions from this sector; And whereas the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 targets a 25 reduction in kilometers driven by personal vehicles compared to 2020: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province require ICBC to provide access to the detailed registry database that includes vehicle make, model and year, by complete postal code, so a better estimate of greenhouse gas emissions can be determined.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Government and the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ICBC support measures that protect a healthy environment and promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In keeping with governments commitment to transparency, ICBC provides useful vehicle population data on its website that can be sorted by municipality, vehicle type, or area based on the first three characters of the postal code. The data is public in a customizable, convenient format that makes it available in a timely manner It can be found here: Data requests including postal codes and detailed vehicle information require information sharing agreements between ICBC and municipalities to ensure customer privacy is maintained. The vehicle population data does not include data from odometer readings because this information is only collected on a voluntary basis from those customers seeking the low-kilometre discount, available to those who drive less than 5,000 kilometres in a year. Government has directed ICBC to explore options for tracking vehicle kilometres travelled and will continue to work together to develop additional ways to bring them down, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions targets as part of the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030.

Convention Decision