Island Rail Corridor

View Royal

Whereas the EN Rail Corridor, now known as the Island Corridor, which has connected Vancouver Island communities, businesses and services for more than 135 years is at risk of being lost forever by March 15, 2023 without the financial support and commitments of the provincial and federal governments; And whereas because 80 per cent of Vancouver Islands population lives within five kilometres of the corridor, it presents viable options for commuter and inter-regional passenger rail, as well as strong economic opportunities for excursion and freight services that will reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM call on the provincial and federal governments to commit to making the necessary investments to preserve the Island Corridor so that it can continue to connect communities, establish safe and environmentally sound passenger and freight rail service, and strengthen economies up, down, and across Vancouver Island.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Government is interested having a fulsome understanding of the potential costs and benefits of maintaining rail service, be that freight or passenger services, as well as understanding the alternative opportunities for the continued use as a transportation corridor be that active transportation or alternative road for use in emergencies. Over the last 3 years, the ministry has undertaken significant planning work on this including the 2020 Track Condition Assessment which provided all in costing options required to re-establish freight and passenger rail services and 2019 Malahat Emergency Detour Route Planning report. The ministry has also been engaged in discussions with the Federal Government and the Island Corridor Foundation throughout this planning. In addition, the ministry is currently engaging with First Nations, local governments and industry to gather any additional planning information within current OCPs, development opportunities in the short, medium and long term that may be beneficial for Canada and the Province to be aware of in advance of any decision around the future use of the Island Rail Corridor.

Federal Response

Transport Canada As you may know, the British Columbia Court of Appeals has given the Government of Canada until March 2023 to determine whether the restoration of rail service on the former EN railway line is in the public interest, and whether it will fund such work. The Government of Canada is actively considering the issues raised in the ruling and is committed to better understanding perspectives across Vancouver Island, including those of First Nations, regional districts, and other levels of government, to inform the path forward. While Transport Canada will not be leading an engagement process of its own, the Government of Canadas decision making will be informed by ongoing engagement by the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. As you may be aware, British Columbias Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure recently conducted a study detailing considerations pertaining to the restoration of rail freight operations and passenger service: Vancouver Island Rail Corridor - Province of British Columbia Therefore, I would encourage you to continue following up with the provincial and municipal authorities, as well as the transit agencies in that region. Link:….

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended