Mental Health Crisis

Williams Lake

Whereas there is a verifiable mental health crisis in our province that is exacerbated by insufficient funding and options for mental health supports in rural communities; And whereas this is compounded by the opioid crisis and homelessness: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government and health authorities to provide increased support and funding for mental health, including a place to properly discharge patients to access ongoing supports.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions A Pathway To Hope lays out a roadmap to transform the mental health and substance use system of care so all people living in British Columbia have access to care they need, when they need it, including in rural communities. In Budget 2021, the province committed 500 million over 3 years to address the opioid crisis and improve access to mental health and addictions services. Budget 2022 continued investment from prior years in Pathway to Hope initiatives, as well as new investment to address homelessness: 164 million over three years to establish new complex care housing services that will meet the needs of people with significant mental health and substance use challenges along with other challenges like acquired brain injury or developmental disability. The Province invests in community-based services that help connect people to ongoing supports. Examples include: - Civilian-led mobile crisis response teams like Peer Assisted Care Teams, which are being expanded through the Safer Communities Action Plan - Assertive Community Treatment teams which provide community-based, recovery-oriented services for individuals with complex mental health and substance use challenges - Substance use treatment teams that help people stay connected to health care services, treatment and recovery We are also investing in opening new community-based services like Foundry, which offers young people aged 12-24 access to mental health and substance use support, primary care, peer support and social services A Pathway to Hope URL:…

Convention Decision