Hospice Services


Whereas hospice societies across BC offer services and innovative programs which enhance the quality of life of palliative patients and their caregivers in the community where they live, as well as supportive bereavement programs for those who are left behind; And whereas reliable government funding necessary for the sustainability of the essential social service provided by hospice societies is inconsistent and irregular: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the Government of British Columbia to recognize the established place of hospice societies in the continuum of palliative care and bereavement support and develop a funding model which provides annual operational funding to community-based hospice societies for the provision of programs and services; And be it further resolved that UBCM encourages local governments to also contribute financial support to hospice societies within their communities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health Government acknowledges the important role of hospice societies in the continuum of care supporting individuals living with life-limiting illness, and their families. Hospice societies provide compassionate, holistic care that addresses not only physical symptoms, but also the emotional, mental, social, and spiritual needs of individuals, and their families. Health authorities are responsible for planning and managing community-based publicly funded health care services in their jurisdictions, which includes funding for end-of-life care. In accordance with the Provincial Framework for End-of-Life Care, health authorities collaborate closely with hospice societies and value their contribution to supporting individuals dealing with end-of-life. Each health authority is responsible for assessing current end-of-life care in their area and planning and implementing changes to improve those services. Regional health authorities work with community hospice organizations when developing service delivery strategies and plans to meet the needs of their populations and communities served. Health authorities may provide grants or enter into agreements in support of service to clients in a residential hospice; or, for non-residential services as part of their overall service delivery strategy.

Convention Decision