Unnecessary Repeat First Responder Call-Outs


Whereas in the majority of rural and remote geographical sections of British Columbia, first responder resources are limited and comprised mostly of volunteers; And whereas there are often numerous 9-1-1 calls over a period of time relating to one incident, requiring repeat response to the same incident, which leaves small communities at risk of having no responders available to attend other emergency calls, creates unnecessary costs to the Province, and exacerbates emergency personnel burnout: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Provincial Government to expand the Yellow RibbonAll Clear initiative, province wide, and implement public education and awareness of the initiative that is already in use in some areas of the province; And be it further resolved that the Province supply Yellow RibbonAll Clear tape to all emergency response agencies in the province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The ministry recognizes the burdens repeat 9-1-1 calls, for incidents which have already been addressed, place on police resources and other first responders, including increased workload and the risk of diverting available resources from attending other emergency calls. The ministry supports local governments in identifying local policing priorities and activities to address those priorities in consultation with their local RCMP Detachments, just as the Village of McBride has undertaken with the Yellow RibbonAll Clear initiative. The ministry will ask the RCMP E Division Headquarters to seek further information about the Yellow RibbonAll Clear initiative at the Robson Valley Detachment.

Convention Decision