Expanding the Child Care Sector Workforce


Whereas access to a quality child care system is key to the heath and development of children; And whereas access to a quality child care system supports families and is key to BCs economic recovery; And whereas qualified Early Childhood Educators play a critical role in the advancement of a universal child care system; And whereas qualified Early Childhood Educators deserve to be compensated commensurate with their education and experience, including access to benefits and pension plans: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM urge the provincial government to accelerate its Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention Strategy including implementation of a publicly funded, competitive and equitable wage grid for Early Childhood Educators that: - recognizes staff qualifications and experience; - creates a barrier-free path with specific supports for those who currently work in the child care sector without formal qualifications i.e. family licensed childcare to obtain an early childhood educator ECE credential: and - provides wages, benefits, and working conditions that are competitive with other positions with similar education, experience and responsibilities; And be it further resolved that the provincial government work with locally-based child care organizations to implement a wage grid that aligns with the business operations and staff compensation plans of these organizations; And be it further resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to expand the implementation of 24 hour and extended hour child care centres to improve access to affordable and quality child care; And be it further resolved that UBCM urges the Ministry of Education and Childcare to support and coordinate engagement and collaboration with local governments interested in andor experienced with child care planning and research to inform the strategy of local needs and context.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education and Child Care In 2018, Government launched the Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention Strategy. Since that time, Government has advanced its goals under this strategy by committing almost 620M through to the end of the 202425 fiscal year towards workforce initiatives. This includes supports for education and training, wage enhancements, reducing barriers to ECEs trained in other jurisdictions, and support for ongoing professional development. A key goal under the ChildCareBC Plan is addressing long-standing issues around compensation in the sector. Through a partnership with the Government of Canada, the Province has committed to develop and implement a wage grid for ECEs in British Columbia. This work will take time to get right. Recognizing that wage pressures for ECEs are immediate, Government has increased the existing ECE Wage Enhancement to 4 per hour and expanded eligibility to include all ECEs directly employed by and working in licensed child care facilities. The wage enhancement serves as an integral step towards ensuring ECEs are recognized as professionals and fairly compensated for their important work.

Convention Decision