Reimbursement for Highway Rescue Services


Whereas many small community volunteer fire departments and societies provide vital highway rescue services for vehicle crashes that occur on provincial highways; And whereas reimbursement of costs under the current model leaves fire departments and local governments to absorb a significant part of the cost of providing the services: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province revise the funding model to ensure that fire departments and societies are reimbursed for all highway rescue incidents to which they attend outside of the municipal boundaries; And be it further resolved that UBCM request the Province to consider permitting fire departments to be reimbursed by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia for highway rescue services.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Emergency Management BC EMBC has prioritized road rescue and is working with local governments, fire departments, societies, and other partners involved in road rescue. EMBC staff have reviewed the current road rescue governance and funding model in British Columbia and are undertaking a cross-jurisdictional review of road rescue to be completed by early 2023. This work will guide the Province in discussions with road rescue partners, including governance and funding models. Work to date has included consultation with the Office of the Fire Commissioner, the Fire Chiefs Association of BC, as well as a survey of all road rescue service providers in British Columbia along with other selected jurisdictions across Canada and the United States. ICBC does not collect premiums, either through Basic or Optional insurance, to cover charges for highway rescue. Fire department services are currently funded through various forms of taxations, paid by residents of BC.

Convention Decision