Bare Land Strata Development Minimum Standards


Whereas bare land strata plan requirements for the stratas internal works and services are outside of local government purview; And whereas it is recognized that municipalities should prescribe all developments standards as the municipality is concerned with how infrastructure is originally built and with the standards of living in its community; And whereas current bare land strata developments do not have to meet minimum municipal standards, and as such may devolve into undesirable neighbourhoods that are inconsistent with other neighbourhoods, adversely affecting the land value beyond the area of the bare land strata subdivision: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM asks the BC Government to amend the Bare Land Strata Regulation to require that bare land strata developments meet the same minimum standards set by local governments, as required in their subdivision servicing bylaws, to ensure consistency across all developments throughout the community, in areas such as street lighting, sidewalks, curb heights, paved roads etc.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Housing Government shares the goal of local governments for infrastructure to be built to adequate standards. The Ministry has not been made aware of instances of bare land strata developments devolving into undesirable neighbourhoods or adversely affecting neighbouring property values. Approving officers have considerable latitude in the Bare Land Strata Regulations with regard to refusing or approving bare land strata plans. Reasons include: if the approving officer considers that the proposed development would injuriously affect the established amenities of adjoining properties, or it would be against the public interest. Government regularly reviews and updates strata legislation to ensure it serves the public interest while meeting the needs of the strata community. UBCM may wish to engage in further discussions with the Ministry responsible for Housing to elaborate on the perceived shortcomings of the current authorities in the Regulation.

Convention Decision