Exterior Lighting Pollution


Whereas excessive lighting causes light pollution and glare; And whereas light pollution may have a negative impact on quality of life, contribute to adverse health effects and pose potentially harmful consequences to the natural environment by disrupting ecosystems: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Building and Safety Standards Branch amend the BC Building Code to allow, facilitate and empower local governments to exercise control of lighting fixtures, including intensity and directionality, as part of their permitting and inspection process for all new construction and major renovations.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Housing The BC Building Code requires certain exterior accessible paths of travel to be illuminated for safety reasons but does not regulate the exterior illumination of buildings for site safety, security measures or other purposes. The BC Building Code intentionally allows building owners and designers to choose exterior lighting for site safety and security so that they are not limited by the objectives of the BC Building Code. Some local governments use nuisance bylaws or development permit areas to regulate the exterior lighting of buildings and properties, and the BC Building Code and the Building Act do not restrict these kinds of requirements.

Convention Decision