Clothesline Act

Powell River

Whereas the British Columbia Clean Energy Act set provincial objectives to reduce BC Hydros expected increase in demand by 66 through demand-side measures by 2020; And whereas clothes dryers are one of the highest energy consuming household appliances: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM request the Province of British Columbia enact a Clothesline Act to ensure that no law, by-law, covenant or agreement prevents, prohibits or unreasonably restricts the installation or use of a clothesline outdoors at a single-family dwelling; or on the ground floor of a multi-unit residential building; or clothes drying racks on any outdoor balconies.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Housing For many owners and renters, drying clothes outside is the best choice. However multi-unit residential buildings vary in type and can range from duplexes to townhome complexes to high-rises. In some situations, outdoor clothes drying can pose safety concerns; for example, in a high-rise condo if laundry falls from a balcony onto traffic below. That said, the Office of Housing and Construction Standards will investigate the feasibility of this suggestion.

Convention Decision