BC Ferries Advisory Council

Daajing Giids

Whereas BC Ferries Services Inc., created by provincial legislation, is committed to support the economy, community sustainability and to partnering with labour to promote and support innovation through ferry service delivery, with changes in ferry service delivery having the potential for dire impacts on coastal and island community sustainability and the provincial economy; And whereas an equitable, transparent, accessible and consistent consultation process for adjusting sailing service levels with system users, stakeholders and tax payers is non-existent: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province to commit to establish an independent Coastal Ferry Advisory Council to complement the existing regional Ferry Advisory Committees, with representation from coastal business, labour, local governments and First Nations.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure The provincial government amended the Coastal Ferry Act in 2019 to entrust the BC Ferry Authority with the responsibility of overseeing the strategic direction of BC Ferries to support public interest. The Authority is composed of representatives nominated by local government areas, labour and the provincial government. The BC Ferry Authority appoints the Board of Directors of BC Ferries. BC Ferries Board of Directors recently elected Joy MacPhail as their new Chair. Ms. MacPhail has indicated that it is time for renewal, fresh ideas and a renewed commitment to the highest standards of customer service, safety and affordability. The ministry will share the idea of establishing an independent coastal ferry advisory council with the BC Ferry Authority and BC Ferries. Further, as part of a legislated regulatory review process outlined in the Coastal Ferry Act, the Coastal Ferry Service Contract will be amended by June 2023. BC Ferries Performance Term 6 PT6 submission includes planned service level increases to address congestion on routes experiencing significant sailing waits. BC Ferries Performance Term 6 URL: https:www.bcferrycommission.cacommissioner-begins-price-cap-setting-pro…

Convention Decision