Safe and Clean Affordable Housing

Port Alberni

Whereas the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction funds housing for low income clients; And whereas the clients often arrange for monthly payments of rent directly to the landlord; And whereas these forms of housing often do not meet minimum safety and cleanliness standards: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM urge the provincial government to ensure they are funding clients to live in safe and clean affordable housing.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Housing Ensuring British Columbians have access to well-built, safe, affordable, and functional housing is a key priority for the Province. This includes ensuring that lower income individuals and families and clients of the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction have access to safe and clean affordable housing. Through the BC Building Code, the Province regulates how buildings are constructed and renovated. The BC Building Code sets minimum requirements for health, safety, accessibility, fire and structural protection, as well as energy and water efficiency. The BC Fire Code provides additional fire safety requirements in existing buildings and facilities. BC codes, which are based on model national codes, are updated every five years in part to address emerging health and safety issues. Rules that govern standards of maintenance for rental buildings fall under the Residential Tenancy Act RTA. Under the RTA, a landlord must provide and maintain a rental property in a state that is suitable for occupancy by a tenant and meets health, housing, safety and building standards required by law. The health, safety and housing standards required by law referred to in the RTA include standards of maintenance bylaws that are established and enforced by local governments. If a landlord is not upholding their obligations under the RTA, a tenant may apply to the Residential Tenancy Branch for dispute resolution and request that the arbitrator order the landlord to fulfill their responsibilities for maintaining the rental property. Government is continuing to focus on delivering safe, affordable housing across the housing continuum. Since 2017, under the 10-year housing plan, Homes for BC A 30-Point Plan for Housing Affordability in British Columbia, more than 40,000 units of new affordable housing are complete or underway in over 100 communities across BC. This includes over 6000 units for the homeless. Homes for BC A 30-Point Plan for Housing Affordability in British Columbia URL

Convention Decision