Whereas communities face acute challenges around housing affordability and housing availability, undermining the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities; And whereas purpose-built rental apartment buildings from previous decades are an essential component of the current rental housing supply, meaning that future renewal of these properties poses substantial opportunities and risks or current occupants as well as local communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia to work with interested local communities, the not-for-profit sector and other partners on a program of land banking purpose-built rental apartment buildings, to preserve and renew this essential component of the affordable rental housing supply.
Attorney General and Minister responsible for Housing The Province recognizes the important role of the rental housing market. The Attorney General and Ministry responsible for Housing is leading the province in efforts to explore partnerships with non-profit and co-op housing providers to acquire and preserve existing rental housing. As part of Homes for BC A 30-Point Plan for Housing Affordability in British Columbia, the BC government announced an historic 7 billion investment over 10 years to create affordable housing across the province, including 14,350 rental units for low-to-middle income families and individuals. To help local governments create and protect rental housing, the Province introduced new rental zoning authority in 2018. Rental zoning can be used to require development of purpose-built rental housing, especially close to current and future transit lines and other amenities, and to prevent land speculation for condominium development. The Province has also worked to remove barriers to the creation of secondary suites, which are a large component of BCs overall rental stock. Previously, secondary suites could only be built in single detached homes and could not exceed a certain size. Effective December 12, 2019, the BC Building Code now allows for the construction of secondary suites for more types of homes, such as duplexes and row housing. Size restrictions for secondary suites have also been removed. We are dedicated to preserving and increasing the availability of affordable rental housing across BC.