BC Hydro Universal Net Metering for Municipalities

Fort St. John

Whereas most local governments in BC have accounts with BC Hydro with several meters and several locations, and they are invoiced for the aggregate consumption of electricity on those meters; And whereas many local governments have undertaken power generation initiatives through BC Hydros net metering program which limits reimbursement to only the connected meter and prohibits the application of any excess power generation capacity to the aggregate invoice; And whereas the BCUCs June 23, 2020 decision on BC Hydros application to amend Net Metering Service under Rate Schedule 1289 encouraged, but did not require BC Hydro to consider how virtual net metering might be achieved that would allow this transfer to take place: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby the provincial government to enforce the BCUCs June 23, 2020 Decision on BC Hydros application to amend Net Metering Service under Rate Schedule 1289 and direct BC Hydro to develop and implement virtual net metering.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation As BC Hydro is expected to be in an energy surplus for the foreseeable future, BC Hydro does not need to purchase new renewable electricity, including through excess generation under the Net Metering program, to meet its customers needs at this time. The BCUCs decision on BC Hydros net metering program, including the treatment of excess generation, was within its mandate as the independent regulator of public utilities, including BC Hydro.BC Hydro expects to explore virtual net metering in a future net metering or rate design application proceeding once the new Net Metering rate is in place. The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon innovation encourages local governments who wish to pursue self-generation to participate in any BC Hydro public consultation processes around updates to net metering in the future, as well as to participate in the BCUCs proceeding on BC Hydros Integrated Resource Plan.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision