BC Provincial Sales Tax on Non-Medical PPE

Harrison Hot Springs

Whereas the BC Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General under the Emergency Program Act has issued Ministerial Order M012 effective January 8, 2021 mandating that non-medical Personal Protective Equipment PPE be worn inside indoor public spaces to assist in reducing the spread of Covid-19 pandemic; And whereas this mandate has resulted in an increased financial cost for the residents of British Columbia during the Covid-19 pandemic: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the BC provincial government eliminate the 7 percent Provincial Sales Tax applied to non-medical, disposable or reusable PPE applied to these items at the point of sale.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Finance Government currently provides a PST exemption for respirators that offer protection from dust, toxic gases, and vapours. Although this exemption is part of the suite of safety equipment exemptions for workers, all purchasers can receive the exemption for items such as N95 respirators for non-work purposes. Government has also provided targeted COVID-19 supports to British Columbians to support individuals and businesses during the pandemic, including the BC Recovery Benefit, which provided a one-time, tax-free payment of up to 1,000 for eligible families and single parents, and up to 500 for eligible individuals. For businesses, the Province provided the Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant, permanent wholesale liquor pricing for the hospitality sector, the BC PST Rebate on Select Machinery and Equipment, the BC Increased Employment Incentive and the BC Employer Training Grant.

Convention Decision