Off-Site Tasting Rooms


Whereas BC wineries and liquor manufacturers are not able to sell their products at an owner-operated secondary or offsite location; And whereas land-based wineries are required to locate their tasting room and retail facility at their manufacturing establishment, which in turn must be located on the agricultural land where their vineyard is located; while commercial wineries may locate their tasting room and retail facility in a town or city only if their manufacturing facility is located on the same property; And whereas allowing BC wineries and liquor manufacturers to establish off-site tasting room and retail facilities would attract visitors who are increasingly interested in regional, craft and artisanal products to communities around the province, creating significant economic development opportunities for smaller rural communities and limiting pressure on the development of agricultural land for non-agricultural uses: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General revise Division 5 of the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation dealing with Manufacturers Licenses and the Manufacturer License Terms and Conditions such that manufacturers may apply to establish a tasting room and retail facility off-site, either on an individual basis or in concert with one or more other manufacturers; together with associated lounge, patio and picnic-area endorsements.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Government is aware of interest in off-site tasting rooms and understands the ways they could help businesses gain exposure and provide educational opportunities for the public through increased access to regional products. Ministry staff continue analysis on this issue to establish its possible impacts. This includes consideration of the effect of increased access to liquor products and associated health and social harms. Additionally, staff have assessed potential effects of off-site tasting rooms on the current moratoriums on the issuance of new Wine Store licences and new Licensee Retail Store licences, which has recently been extended to July 1, 2032. We must also consider governments responsibilities under cross-jurisdictional trade agreements, which may be impacted by the expansion of sites that only offer BC wine.

Convention Decision