Proposed Soil Relocation Regulations


Whereas the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy released in early 2021 an Intentions Paper on regulating soil relocation outlining proposed amendments to the BC Contaminated Sites Regulation that if adopted, will lead to significant costs related to land development in BC where clean soil is required to be removed or deposited; And whereas options exist to ensure clean soil is managed in a manner that is sensitive to the surrounding environment at sites that require soil for development without requiring costly and prescriptive engineered solutions: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial government to reconsider the proposed regulatory changes set out in the Intentions Paper Regulating Soil Relocation and further consult with local governments and the development community regarding options to manage clean soil as a resource for beneficial use in a manner that is financially sustainable and ensures the environment is protected.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Not Endorsed