Enhanced Communications to Address Homelessness Related Issues


Whereas there has been limited communication with local governments regarding provincial COVID-19 response initiatives to ensure the health and safety of individuals experiencing homelessness and local governments play an integral ongoing role in supporting individuals experiencing homelessness through the support of non-profits, emergency response services, pursuing long-term affordable housing options, and formal communication between governments is vital to enhance homelessness response and support initiatives; And whereas homelessness response actions undertaken by the provincial government have a direct impact on local government resources such as bylaw enforcement, policing, fire response, land use planning, and the maintenance of public space to ensure safe enjoyment: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial government to consult with local governments when planning new housing and facilities to support homeless people.

Provincial Response

Attorney General and Minister responsible for Housing and Ministry of Municipal Affairs Communities across the Province have seen an increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the concurrent toxic drug supply and affordable housing crises. Government is committed to helping people move into safe spaces indoors and to ensuring everyone has access to the housing, supports, and services they need to move forward in their lives. Supporting people experiencing homelessness requires coordination, communication, and collaboration between community partners, organizations, Indigenous people and Nations, the public, all levels of government including local governments, and BC Housing. The Province recognizes the important role played by local governments in addressing homelessness and the impacts a lack of affordable housing and homelessness can have on local government resources, and on communities. Consultation is a key principle of the relationship between the Province and local governments, enshrined through the Community Charter and the Local Government Act which recognize local governments as an order of government. The Province is committed to working collaboratively through consultation and communication with local governments, both formally and informally, on issues relating to housing and homelessness. Timely and effective consultation may look different depending on the circumstances and nature of the subject at hand, the impact on local government interests, the interests of stakeholders, and the Provinces obligations and policy goals. To work on addressing issues of homelessness collaboratively, the Province will continue communication with local government partners, including through our ongoing work with UBCM to understand local government needs and concerns. Government has also made Housing Needs Reports mandatory for local governments, to help local governments and the BC government better understand and respond to housing needs in communities throughout BC. The completed housing needs reports underline the range of housing-related needs and challenges in communities of all sizes across the province, including the extent to which many people are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The Province recognizes the important role of local governments in addressing affordable housing needs. In 2018, the Province launched the Development Approvals Process Review DAPR to address challenges and identify opportunities for improving development approvals processes, with the aim of accelerating the construction of the homes people need in their communities, including affordable housing. The 2019 DAPR consultation report includes informed ideas for improving the system. Early actions under DAPR include Fall 2021 legislative amendments that removed the default requirement for local governments to hold public hearings for zoning bylaw amendments that are consistent with the official community plan, and that enabled delegating decisions on minor development variance permits to staff. Further work under DAPR will seek to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the local government development approvals process, ultimately streamlining the movement of housing supply to the market. The Province will continue engagement and collaboration with local government partners and other stakeholders as further DAPR initiatives are rolled out. To ensure communities have the resources they need to support those experiencing homelessness, the Province invested 633 million in homelessness services and supports in Budget 2022 through the Provincial Homelessness Strategy, including launching a new 600-a-month rent supplement program, increasing access to wrap around supports for those across the housing spectrum, expanding the Complex Care Housing model over the next 3 years, providing for further encampment supports, and launching a permanent housing plan for the 3,000 people who were temporarily housed in leased or purchased hotels and other spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a key partner in addressing homelessness across B.C., BC Housing is committed to a comprehensive engagement process that informs local governments of projects supporting homeless community members, and to working with local governments to ensure responses and actions are clear and effective for each community. BC Housing will continue to actively participate in community meetings such as homeless coalitions and community advisory boards to stay apprised of community needs and to provide strategic solutions based on the specific needs of each community. BC Housing also continues to work in partnership with the private and non-profit sectors, provincial health authorities and ministries, First Nations and other levels of government and community groups to identify opportunities for secure, safe, and affordable housing that consider access to the amenities needed by residents to maintain successful housing outcomes.

Convention Decision