Long-term Strategy to Address Homelessness


Whereas homelessness is an undesirable situation in every community in BC; And whereas homelessness is a complex issue which may involve mental illness, addictions, systemic racism, and lack of appropriate housing options and supports: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby the provincial government to develop a long-term strategy to eliminate homelessness, and in the meantime, fund year-round day programming and drop in spaces for the homeless population.

Provincial Response

Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing The Ministry of Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing is leading the Provinces work to develop a new path forward in our collective efforts to prevent and reduce homelessness in BC. This strategy is being developed through close collaboration with partners, including people with lived experience of homelessness, Indigenous partners, non-profit operators, health care providers, and local governments, as well as other ministries whose core business has intersecting impacts on homelessness, including the ministries of Health, Mental Health and Addictions, Social Development and Poverty Reduction, Children and Family Development, Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, Municipal Affairs, and Public Safety and Solicitor General. We expect to have more information regarding this initiative in the spring of 2022. As part of this work, ministry staff are reviewing the outreach and in-reach services that are available to people experiencing homelessness throughout the province and are engaging directly with people with lived and living experiences of homelessness to hear from them which services and supports they need to find stability and belonging in our communities. There is still much left to do to address homelessness in British Columbia, and the Ministry will continue to work in coordination and collaboration with local governments to support those who are most in need, and the entire community.

Convention Decision