Tree Management in Electoral Areas

Nanaimo RD

Whereas regional districts have limited regulatory authority for tree management except in relation to protection from certain natural hazards; And whereas electoral areas have similar concerns and objectives as municipalities in terms of other important aspects of tree management including maintaining tree cover and protecting heritage trees and watershed health; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to amend the Local Government Act to provide broader tree management authority to regional districts equivalent to the authority granted by legislation to municipalities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Municipal Affairs The provincial government is committed to ensuring healthy forest habitats are preserved for generations to come. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ministry is aware that regional districts and other stakeholders have raised concerns about tree management and that increased tree logging on private land has consistently been a challenge. The provincial government appreciates the importance of tree cover in the reduction of green house gas emissions and also the importance of sustainable forestry jobs for communities. Tree management is a complex issue that affects various interest. While municipalities have the authority to regulate tree cutting in urban settings, that municipal authority does not extend to regulating forestry-type activities on land within municipalities. Regional districts have the authority to regulate tree cutting under certain circumstances, including the use of development permits to restrict tree cutting for certain developments. A key challenge is that the context of urban tree management in municipalities and tree management in the rural areas of regional districts is different, with the latter more directly raising the potential for conflict with forestry values. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs is working with the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development FLNRORD on this issue. In Winter 2022, FLNRORD is initiating a second phase of the review of the Private Managed Forest Land PMFL Program. The PMFL Program encourages sound forest management practices on BCs private forested land. Consultations will focus on local governments and Indigenous Nations. Results from these engagement sessions will be used to further define recommendations for legislative changes to the PMFL Program. The voluntary nature of this program means that it does not encompass activities on all private forested lands in BC. However, FLNRORD is committed to working with local governments in coordination with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to address citizens concerns for land not registered in the PMFL Program. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs is also pleased to hear from individual communities and regions as to their specific concerns, and to work with them to find solutions.

Convention Decision