Consultation by Ministry Prior to Undertaking Works on Highways


Whereas the BC government has ownership of and jurisdiction over arterial provincial highways that are located in municipalities; And whereas municipalities have authority under the Community Charter to manage and regulate highways such as streets, roads, lanes, bridges, viaducts, sidewalks and other ways open to public use; And whereas municipalities require the approval of the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure before regulating or prohibiting traffic on arterial provincial highways; And whereas municipalities experience economic, ecological and logistical impacts whenever the Ministry of Transportation undertakes works on any arterial provincial highway that intersects with any municipal ways open to the public: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to require the Ministry of Transportation, when working on arterial provincial highways, conduct meaningful consultation with local governments and residents of all municipalities located within the highway corridor throughout the planning stages of the project and before the work has commenced.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure recognizes that projects on provincial highways can have an impact on adjacent communities. For ministry-led rehabilitation and capital projects, the Ministry strives to communicate with all affected Indigenous Groups and stakeholders, including municipalities and regional districts. On capital projects, the Ministry seeks feedback from stakeholders, and will conduct public consultations, during project development to ensure the project considers comments and concerns from all interested parties. Rehabilitation projects often involve a like-for-like replacement of highway infrastructure. It is critical that these projects focus on the goal of improving the conditions, and prolonging the lifespan, of existing infrastructure. The Ministry will continue to communicate with stakeholders about such projects.

Convention Decision