Alternative Transportation Infrastructure

Sunshine Coast RD

Whereas the federal government has committed itself to the Paris Accord to limit climate warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and the provincial government has committed itself to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 80 below 2007 levels by 2050 and has committed to an active transportation strategy which outlines a path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; And whereas the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure are the responsible authority to ensure safe and reliable road infrastructure throughout rural and unincorporated areas in BC: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government be urged to fund the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to support an increased investment in infrastructure improvements and ongoing maintenance necessary for the safe integration of low carbon alternative modes of transportation on rural roads which connect communities throughout BC.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure On June 17, 2019, the province released Move. Commute. Connect., a strategy designed to encourage active transportation, build on the success of the cycling grant program, and work with communities to create policies and plans that support complete active transportation networks. For example, under Move. Commute. Connect., the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry will: - integrate active transportation in the design and construction of provincial highways; - pursue options to secure further funding for the expanded Provincial Grant programs and supports for rural and Indigenous communities; - improve connections and facilities at transit hubs and stops; - conduct enhanced road shoulder cleaning on provincial roads; - update the ministrys cycling policy to become an active transportation policy…; - encourage the use of the BC Active Transportation Design Guide at all levels of government for infrastructure and planning…; and, - support research to identify and address the barriers to participation in active transportation, with a focus on underrepresented populations. The Ministry has been working on the initiative over the past 10 years. Although there is no set completion date, the Ministry has made improvements to 75 percent of Highway 101 shoulders between the Town of Gibsons and Earls Cove and provided 4.8M toward the Stewardson Way pedestrian overpass. The Ministry is also investing over 10M in active transportation upgrades and expansion for the Lower Lynn Project. The Ministry continues to work with the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources in the development of the provincial electric vehicle charging network. The Ministry has installed fast chargers at twelve highway rest areas to date, with six more under construction becoming operational this spring, and is planning to develop a further six more new sites in the summer of 2020. To date these charging stations are in remote areas and smaller communities in the interior and on Vancouver Island. Looking ahead to 2020 and beyond, the Ministry, in coordination with Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, is making plans to expand the network northward.

Convention Decision