Local Government Photo Radar Implementation

West Kelowna

Whereas local governments, with limited and competing resources, must address traffic safety challenges to ensure the well-being of our residents; And whereas traffic speed enforcement in residential areas, playgrounds, and school zones is labour intensive and the ability to use photo radar as a deterrent has proven to be effective and efficient in the management of speed: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to permit local governments to independently implement photo radar, with the focus on changing driver behaviour, on local roads at the local governments request and expense.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The Intersection Safety Camera ISC program is a provincial traffic enforcement initiative and does not operate as a municipal program. The program is responsible for ensuring consistent standards, incident review and prosecution of the violation tickets. The ISC program is not operated by or delegated to municipalities, however ticket fine revenue is returned to British Columbias municipalities through the Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing TFRS Program. At this time, the Province is focusing on implementing ISC speed activation at 35 selected high-crash sites. Key factors used to select ISC speed sites include the prevalence and extremity of speeding, fatal and severe injury crash history, and potential to reduce collisions.

Convention Decision