Collection of Unpaid Bylaw Fines


Whereas municipalities lose a significant amount of non-tax revenue annually because of unpaid bylaw fines; And whereas non-tax revenue sources such as a bylaw fines help offset costs to municipal services and reduce the property tax burden on residents. And whereas the current methods available to Municipalities for the collection of bylaw fines are slow, expensive and labor intensive; And whereas the collection of bylaw fines with the cooperation of the Province and the Insurance Corporation of BC will ensure prompt payment of any unpaid bylaw fines: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province and the Insurance Corporation of BC collect outstanding bylaw fines on behalf of municipalities at the time of auto insurance andor drivers licence renewal.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Attorney General The Government of BC appreciates the importance of having an effective system to collect unpaid by-law contravention fines. At this time, there are no plans to have ICBC collect municipal bylaw fines. ICBC has recently undergone extensive rate design and product changes and does not have the capacity to consider this request at this time. ICBC could face increased costs, and operational challenges if government were to direct the corporation to collect municipal bylaw fines, which would also require legislative changes and significant system costs necessary to link all municipalities with provincial ticket and court systems. ICBC will continue to support municipalities in the collection of parking violations by providing registered owner information to the municipality to support municipalities with fine and penalty revenues that flow back to the municipality.

Convention Decision