Food Security

Port Coquitlam

Whereas it is important that BC Communities have a local food system to enable access to affordable and healthy food options and improve community sustainability and BC Communities should encourage awareness about and the expansion of a regional food system; And whereas the provincial government is committed to promoting healthful living and making BC a healthy place to be: Therefore be it resolved that the BC Ministry of Health be requested to initiate programs and partnerships to increase community awareness of the benefits of nutritious and affordable food and support regional initiatives to enhance community food security.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The Province funds several programs and partnerships that contribute to an increased community awareness of the benefits of nutritious and affordable food and supports regional projects to enhance community food security. Feed BC is government priority to increase the amount of BC-grown and BC-processed foods to health care, post-secondary and other government institutions and facilities. Feed BC builds the provincial food supply, supports jobs and businesses for farmers, fishers and food processors and offers more local foods to patients, students and clients. Across BC 168 hospitals and residential care facilities are prioritizing BC foods. Food security is one of 20 core provincial public health programs in BC that guides public health practice in food security. Within this core program, the Community Food Action Initiative enables regional health authorities to provide funding to communities for the development of community food action plans, which support local food access and food security. Healthy Community Capacity Building Grants support local governments to plan and implement projects that contribute to healthy living. Sixtythree of these projects have contributed to food security and healthy eating in communities across the province since 2013. The BC Healthy Communities Societys PlanH Program provides tools and resources for local governments, including a Healthy Eating and Food Security Action Guide. Government supports the BC Farmers Market Association to deliver the Farmers Market Nutrition Coupon Program. The program provides coupons to low-income pregnant women, families and seniors to buy select BC foods at local farmers markets. Community partners also provide participants with food literacy classes to increase awareness of the benefits of nutritious and affordable food. The program serves over 79communities, and reaches over 12,000 families, seniors and pregnant women. The Public Health Association of BC receives provincial funding to host the Food Security Gateway website a site that helps people and organizations access up-to-date food security information and resources. The Food Skills for Families Program is offered in communities provincewide. The programs hands-on curriculum makes healthy eating, grocery shopping and cooking quick, easy and fun. Since 2008, 1,567 programs have been delivered to about 13,500 participants.

Convention Decision