AllOnBoard Campaign


Whereas the lack of transportation is one of the most common reasons for missing medical appointments and a significant barrier to social inclusion, access to social services and labour market inclusion for low income adults and youth; And whereas the AllOnBoard Campaign has demonstrated the direct harm that is brought to low income adults and youth due to fare evasion ticketing, resulting in bad credit ratings because of unpaid fines: Therefore be it resolved that TransLink be requested to adopt a poverty reductionequity mandate in order to address the outstanding issue of lack of affordability measures to ensure those who need public transit the most can access the essential service; And be it further resolved that the Mayors Council on Regional Transportation and TransLink, immediately and without delay, amend existing by-laws and cease ticketing all minors for fare evasion as the first step towards the full implementation of free transit for children and youth aged 0-18; And be it further resolved that TransLink adopt a poverty reduction mandate based on non-stigmatizing affordability measures, including unlinking fare evasion fines from the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and infrastructure expansion; and the introduction of community service and restorative justice options for adults as an alternative to fare evasion tickets.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate