Crime Statistics

Williams Lake

Whereas the collection of crime statistics for many municipalities does not take into consideration the population it services outside its boundaries, resulting in artificially inflated crime statistics; And whereas by more accurately applying crime statistics to the population across a regional boundary, many municipalities crime ranking would be significantly lower and more accurate: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province to direct the RCMP to amend its reporting statistics to accurately reflect crime statistics based on the regional service area the RCMP responds to, and that the recommendation be sent to Statistics Canada.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The rules for the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey are set by national bodies, including the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, with one of the goals of the program being uniformity across Canada in the way crime statistics are collected and reported. The Ministry has made changes to its own publications to both acknowledge the core city effect and its impact on crime rates, and to include crime statistics at the Regional District Level. The Ministry will continue to explore ways to further amend our publications to ensure the information is presented in ways that are meaningful for citizens and continue to support oversight and decision-making related to the structure and funding of policing in British Columbia.

Convention Decision