Importance of 911 in Remote and Rural Areas

Northern Rockies RM

Whereas more than 500,000 motorists use the rural and remote corridors throughout the Northern regions of the province annually, without access to consistent emergency 911 service; And whereas the absence of 911 as a core emergency service has a financial and human cost, related to the health and safety of residents, visitors and commercial travellers, and with a negative impact on timely and appropriate emergency response: Therefore be it resolved that the Province prioritize the establishment of emergency call-in services, such as 911 services, across the Province in its entirety including adequate policy, administrative and financial support.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General With support from local governments, the Province is interested in supporting the delivery and implementation of 911 services. Ministry staff are undertaking work on this issue to examine the options surrounding the introduction of a province-wide call answer levy and strategic governance body to supplement and support the 911 system. Work to date also includes discussions with staff from UBCM, local governments, Indigenous organizations, RCMP, fire agencies, BC Emergency Health Services, E-Comm 911, and national and provincial 911 working groups.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended