Cariboo RD

Whereas small aircraft flights serve rural and northern airports in areas that depend on the economic and socio-economic benefits that air travel provides; And whereas a significant percentage of trained pilots are retiring, and many small aircraft pilots are now being hired to fly bigger aircraft serving large urban areas; And whereas flights into small rural and northern airports are at risk of being discontinued due to a lack of trained small aircraft pilots: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province to lobby for more small aircraft training opportunities in rural and northern post secondary institutions, as well as urge the federal government to take the small aircraft pilot shortage into consideration when establishing mandatory pilot hours.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Aviation falls under Federal jurisdiction. The Ministry has brought the issues of pilot shortages and the lack of pilot training schools and access to Federal Student Loans to the attention of the Federal government on numerous occasions. The Ministry also chairs a Cross-Ministry Aviation Working Group which includes staff from the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills Training AEST which would have the provincial lead on skills training. AEST is also aware of these issues and has communicated them to the Federal government. AEST has previously funded two projects with the Aerospace Industry Association of Canada related to these issues: - 2016 An engagement project to establish a steering committee to address labour market issues in BCs aviation sector. - 201718 A labour market research project to collect data on labour market conditions, and identified challenges faced by the sector in BC including the high cost and limited availability of pilot training. The Ministry will work with our colleagues at the Ministry of Education and AEST to encourage more small aircraft training opportunities in rural and northern post-secondary institutions. Pilot training hours are regulated under strict legislation that ensures pilots acquire both the knowledge and experience necessary to fly the public in a safe manner while the Ministry is aware of pilot shortages, limiting training hours is not something we would be comfortable with recommending to the Federal government.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision
Endorsed as Amended