Observed Inhalation Sites for Overdose Prevention


Whereas British Columbia is currently experiencing an unprecedented public health emergency due to an unpredictable and highly-toxic drug supply, and smoking or inhalation is thethere second most common mode of consumption among all people who have died from a suspected illicit drug overdose and the most common mode of consumption among men and those between the ages of 15 and 29; And whereas observed consumption services i.e. supervised consumption services and overdose prevention services are evidence-based harm reduction approaches shown to reduce overdose-related harm, and there is not adequate access to observed consumption services that provide space for inhalation where communities are facing crisis: Therefore be it resolved that to ensure that people at risk of overdose across BC have access to observed consumption services that provide space for inhalation, that the Province of British Columbia fund and work through local communities, Health Authorities across the Province, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and the Ministry of Health to provide these services as part of a holistic response to the public-health emergency, including prevention, treatment, and recovery.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions Government is working diligently to support the healthcare needs of all British Columbians as the province finds itself in the midst of two public health emergencies the overdose crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic -- and is committed to doing everything in its power to stem the tide of the overdose crisis including addressing harms associated with inhalation. The Ministrys Overdose Emergency Response Centre is responsible for spearheading urgent action through the implementation of a comprehensive package of interventions which includes the following essential health sector inventions: naloxone; overdose prevention and supervised consumption services; acute overdose risk case management; and treatment and recovery. The package also includes the following essential strategies for a supportive environment: social stabilization; peer empowerment and employment; cultural safety and humility; and addressing stigma, discrimination, and human rights. There are 31 overdose prevention and supervised consumption service locations across the province, including several observedsupervised inhalation service locations offered in outdoor tents. It is acknowledged that some modifications to overdose prevention and supervised consumption services have occurred to ensure service delivery is consistent with provincial health officer direction. However, ministry staff are working closely with the Office of the Provincial Health Officer, Ministry of Health, BC Centre for Disease Control, regional health authorities, and people with lived and living experience to identify best practices for addressing the gaps in observed consumption services, including inhalation during COVID-19 and the pandemic recovery process.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision