Proposed British Columbia Speculation Tax


Whereas the British Columbia Speculation Tax imposes an unfair tax burden on British Columbians and other Canadians who wish to purchase or own a second home in British Columbia; And whereas the tax was imposed on municipalities without consultation or economic modelling of its impact; And whereas the Government of British Columbia has already removed Parksville, the Gulf Islands, the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area and other areas due to pressure from various Members of the BC Legislature: Therefore be it resolved that the City of Langford calls upon the BC Government to allow municipalities to opt out of this new housing speculation tax; And be it further resolved that the City of Langford calls upon the BC Government to put any funds received from a speculation tax on housing towards an affordable housing fund; And be it further resolved that the City of Langford put the resolution for debate and consideration at the 2018 UBCM Convention in conjunction with a covering letter from the Mayor.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate