Continuation of Income Subsidy Benefits


Whereas the support portion of Income Assistance 335 for a single person is frequently used to supplement the shelter portion of Income Assistance 375 for a single person to cover housing costs; And whereas persons entering a residential recovery program maintain the shelter portion of Income Assistance but lose the support portion, often resulting in that person not being able to maintain their current housing, and putting the person at greater risk of homelessness upon exiting of the program: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction continue the support portion of Income Assistance benefits for individuals living in temporary housing, such as recovery programs and protective housing, for the duration of their recovery.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction When a person on income or disability assistance enters a special care facility, the Ministry pays a daily fee to the facility and a monthly comforts allowance to the individual. The daily fee varies depending upon the type of facility. Normally the support and shelter allowances are not continued, because food and shelter needs are met by the facility. An exception is made for people who are in special care facilities that provide residential alcohol and drug treatment. Clients in these facilities are eligible to receive a shelter allowance. Providing the shelter allowance helps ensure those clients can retain a permanent residence to return to when their treatment is completed. Due to high shelter costs around the province, those clients are also assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine if the shelter allowance alone will be sufficient to enable them to retain their permanent residence. If not, the Ministry may also provide a partial support allowance to top up the shelter allowance. Clients in other types of treatment and recovery facilities are assessed on a case-by-case basis, and where appropriate, provided with a shelter allowance and a partial support allowance top up to enable them to retain their permanent residences. The Ministry will undertake a detailed analysis to determine what options may be feasible to better support clients in residential alcohol and drug treatment, as well as other types of treatment and recovery.

Convention Decision