Seismic Early Warning System

Powell River

Whereas the provincial government has recently invested five million dollars into Ocean Networks Canadas earthquake early warning system in BC to increase its number of offshore strong motion sensors and to integrate them with land-based sensors for robust collection and analysis of seismic activity; And whereas this system is intended to feed a centralized source that in turn can immediately deliver early detection notifications prior to the arrival of the damaging waves of an earthquake to enhance life safety for British Columbians living in areas of the province with seismic risk: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province commit to making the earthquake early warning system operational by completing the development of access to this network for communities, and other entities in the public and private sectors, for public safety in all parts of BC vulnerable to earthquake.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The Province, through Emergency Management BC, continues to support and invest in Ocean Networks Canadas ONC development of an earthquake early warning system. ONC has made significant progress to date and will soon begin a phase of extensive commissioning and testing. This phase will help the Province understand how information from earthquake early warning and seismic monitoring systems can be shared with communities in British Columbia. The Province will continue to work with all organizations in British Columbia and in neighbouring jurisdictions in the development and implementation of earthquake early warning and seismic monitoring systems. The Province is committed to working with Local Governments and First Nations on initiatives including those related to seismic monitoring that aim to reduce seismic risk in British Columbias communities.

Convention Decision